New York City's Blizzard of 1888/New York Public Library
Refereed Articles
“Lessons from the City of Print,” co-authored with Ayendy Bonifacio and Mark Noonan. Forthcoming in American Literary Realism.
“Sotero Figueroa’s Editorial Roles in La Revista Ilustrada de Nueva York, Patria, and La Doctrina de Martí.” Forthcoming in American Periodicals.
“The Metaphors We Use: Network.” American Periodicals. 30.1 (2020): 5-8.
“American Alternatives: Participatory Futures of Print from New York City’s Nineteenth-Century Spanish-Language Press.” American Literary History. 30.4 (2018). 677-702.
"Telephonic Modernismo: Latinidad and Hemphispheric Print Culture in the Age of Electricity." English Language Notes. 56.2 (2018): 90-103.
“Toward a Latinx Digital Humanities Pedagogy: Remixing, Reassembling, and Reimagining the Archive.” Educational Media International. 54.4 (2017): 304-316.
“Networked Literature: The Crónica Modernista and Nineteenth-Century Media Change.” Revista de Estudios Hispánicos 50.2 (2016): 321–346.
Chapters in Edited Collections
“Revolution and Latinidad in the Nineteenth-Century U.S.-based Spanish-Language Press.” Chapter in essay collection, Immigration and Exile Foreign-Language Press in the UK and in the US: Comparable (Hi)stories? (19th-21st Centuries), edited by Bénédicte Deschamps and Stéphanie Prévost. Under contract with Bloomsbury Press.
“Remixing Literature in the Classroom: From Canons to Playlists in the Study of Latinx Literature and Beyond.” Chapter in essay collection, The Handbook of Remix Studies and Digital Humanities, edited by Edwardo Navas, Owen Gallagher, and xtine burrough. Under contract with Routledge Press.
“Reimagining Literary History, and Why it Matters Now.” Chapter in essay collection, Print Culture in the Americas: Materialism in the Archives, edited by Jesse W. Schwartz and Daniel Worden. Under contract with Bloomsbury Press.
Invited Book Reviews
Media Laboratories: Late Modernist Authorship in South America by Sarah Ann Wells. Journal of Modern Periodical Studies. 8.1 (2017): 112-118
“Looking Backward: Print and Digital Futures of the Humanities.” American Literary History. 27.2 (2015): 404-416.
Other Publications
“Mirar el mundo como corresponsal: ecos de la prensa en el modernismo de Martí y Casal,” Anuario 30 del Centro de Estudios Martianos . 30 (2007): 137-143.
Works in Progress
Electrifying News: A Hemispheric History of the Present in Modern Media
Podcasts and Videos
“Engaging the Archive and its Absences: Futures of Digital Scholarship and Teaching.” Keynote at Bucknell University Digital Scholarship Conference. Lewisburg, PA, October 2018.
“Yellow Journalism as Civic Media?: Rewiring an Experiment with Nineteenth-Century News.” MIT Comparative Media Studies Colloquium, October 2012
Around the Web
"The International New York Times and the Future of News"
MIT Comparative Media Studies Blog October 21, 2013