Pace University, Associate Professor of English, 2020-present; Assistant Professor of English, 2014-2020
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Visiting Scholar in Comparative Media Studies, 2012-2014
Root Cause, Idea Lab Director, 2010-2012
Led research and publishing activities at a Boston-based nonprofit dedicated to advancing social innovation; oversaw departmental strategy, budgeting, and fundraising; mentored undergraduate and graduate interns.

Ph.D. Brown University, Comparative Literature, May 2010
M.A.  Brown University, Comparative Literature, May 2005      
B.A.   Columbia University, Comparative Literature, May 1999 (cum laude)

Print and digital cultures of the Americas
Latinx literature and Latinx digital humanities
Modern U.S. and Latin American literature
Comparative media studies and comparative literature
Journalism and periodical studies

Finalist, 2020-2021 Andrew Carnegie Fellows Program

Invited Seminar Leader and Scholar, National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Summer Institute, “City of Print,” New York City College of Technology, June 2020

Tom Henthorne Award for Excellence in Teaching, Pace University, Department of English, May 2019

Advisor of the Year, Pace University mentorship award for advising of student newspaper, May 2018

Grantee, Pace Innovation Fund, Start-Up Funding for Babble Lab Digital Humanities Center, May 2016

Summer Scholar, National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Summer Institute, “City of Print,” New York City College of Technology, June 2015.

Pace University Faculty Research Fellowship, Spring 2015, Spring 2016, Fall 2020

Cogut Center for the Humanities Graduate Fellowship, Brown University, 2008-2009

Brown University Dissertation Fellowship, 2007-2008

Visiting Researcher, Centro de Estudios Martianos (Center for Martí Studies), Havana, Cuba, 2007

Brown University Graduate Fellowship, 2002-2003

Fulbright Teaching Fellowship, Marignane, France, 1999-2000


“Sotero Figueroa’s Editorial Roles in La Revista Ilustrada de Nueva York, Patria, and La Doctrina de Martí.” Forthcoming in American Periodicals.

“The Metaphors We Use: Network.” American Periodicals. 30.1 (2020): 5-8.

“American Alternatives: Participatory Futures of Print from New York City’s Nineteenth-Century Spanish-Language Press.” American Literary History. 30.4 (2018). 677-702.

“Telephonic Modernismo: Latinidad and Hemispheric Print Culture in the Age of Electricity.” English Language Notes. 56.2 (2018): 90-103.

“Towards a Latinx Digital Humanities Pedagogy: Remixing, Reassembling, and Reimagining the Archive." Educational Media International. 54.4 (2017): 304-316.

"Networked Literature: The Crónica Modernista and Nineteenth-Century Media Change.” Revista de Estudios Hispánicos 50.2 (2016): 321–346.

“Mapping New York City’s Nineteenth-Century Spanish-Language Press.” A research and pedagogical project that maps key sites of early Latino/a print culture in late nineteenth-century New York City. 2015-present.

Babble Lab. Co-founder of new center for digital humanities pedagogy and research at Pace University. 2016-present.


“Revolution and Latinidad in the Nineteenth-Century U.S.-based Spanish-Language Press.” Chapter in essay collection, Immigration and Exile Foreign-Language Press in the UK and in the US: Comparable (Hi)stories? (19th-21st Centuries), edited by Bénédicte Deschamps and Stéphanie Prévost. Under contract with Bloomsbury Press.

“Remixing Literature in the Classroom: From Canons to Playlists in the Study of Latinx Literature and Beyond.” Chapter in essay collection, The Handbook of Remix Studies and Digital Humanities, edited by Edwardo Navas, Owen Gallagher, and xtine burrough. Under contract with Routledge Press.

“Reimagining Literary History, and Why it Matters Now.” Chapter in essay collection, Print Culture in the Americas: Materialism in the Archives, edited by Jesse W. Schwartz and Daniel Worden. Under contract with Bloomsbury Press.


Media Laboratories: Late Modernist Authorship in South America by Sarah Ann Wells. 8.1 (2017): 112-118.

“Looking Backward: Print and Digital Futures of the Humanities.” American Literary History. 27.2 (2015): 404-416.


“Mirar el mundo como corresponsal: ecos de la prensa en el modernismo de Martí y Casal,” [Seeing the world as a foreign correspondent: echoes of the news in the modernismo of Martí and Casal].” Anuario 30 del Centro de Estudios Martianos [Annual 30 of the Center for Martí Studies]. 30 (2007): 137-143.

Electrifying News: A Hemispheric History of the Present in Modern Media. Book project that reanimates debates about the future of news and literature that circulated in late nineteenth-century American print culture, and relates them to experimentation within twenty-first-century digital culture.


Introduction to Literature, Culture, and Media (LIT 205)

Latina/o Voices: Transnational Currents in American Writing (LIT 211U)

American Voices: An Introduction to Latina/o Writing (LIT 211J)

Alternative Media and Literature (LIT 340)

Critical Writing and Analysis: Literature and/as Alternative Media (LIT 397)

Journalism: Innovations Past and Present (ENG 310)

Feature Writing: Long-Form Journalism and Media Change (ENG 318)

Fearless Texts: Rethinking Writing in Don Quixote and Beyond (ENG 120 & SPA 154)

Latinx Studies major and minor. Affiliate faculty in new program; minor approved in 2016; major approved in 2017.

English Language and Literature major. Chair of department-wide initiative to update the English major at Pace. 2015-present.

Critical Race and Ethnicity Studies minor. Member of founding working group for new minor approved in 2016.

Journalism and Digital Studies minor. Co-developer and co-director of new minor approved in 2015.


  • “Engaging the Archive and its Absences: Futures of Digital Scholarship and Teaching.” Keynote at Bucknell University Digital Scholarship Conference. Lewisburg, PA, October 2018.

  • “Collecting Periodicals, Amassing Editorship.” Invited panelist in discussion on digital and traditional methods of approaching dispersed archival materials at a symposium on “Editorship as Collaboration: Patterns of Practice in Multi-Ethnic Periodicals.” American Antiquarian Society. Worcester, MA, April 2018.

  • “Mobile Libraries: La Revista Ilustrada de Nueva York and New York City’s Neighboring Communities of Print.” Keynote lecture at conference entitled, “Across Borders: Print and Periodical Studies in Motion.” Brooklyn Historical Society/New York City College of Technology. Brooklyn, NY, June 2016.

  • “Experimental News and Literary Alternatives: A Hemispheric Approach to Understanding Nineteenth-Century Media Change.” Guest lecture in course titled “New Media 1400-1900: A History of Arrivals.” Princeton University, Department of French and Italian. Princeton, NJ, December 2014.

  • “Hemispheric News: Media Innovation and the Latin American Crónica.” Lecture in Media and Modernity series. Brown University, Department of Hispanic Studies. Providence, RI, February 2014.

  • “Yellow Journalism as Civic Media?: Print and Digital Futures of News.” Lecture in Friday Colloquium series. University of Pennsylvania, Annenberg School for Communication. Philadelphia, PA, September 2013.

  • “News Organizations: Contextualizing Current Debates.” Guest lecture for course titled “Behind the Headlines: Current Debates in Media.” MIT, Comparative Media Studies, December 2012.

  • “Yellow Journalism as Civic Media?: Rewiring an Experiment with Nineteenth-Century News.” Lecture in CMS Colloquium series. MIT, Comparative Media Studies. Cambridge, MA, October 2012.


  • “Mapping New York City’s Nineteenth-Century Latinx Press.” Presenter on “Digital Humanities and Modern Languages” panel sponsored by the DH Forum. 2019 MLA Annual Convention. Chicago, IL. January 2019.

  • “Mapping NYC’s Nineteenth-Century Latinx Press: A Case Study in Emergent Digital Humanities Pedagogy for Democratizing Knowledge.” Organizer and presenter on panel on “Latinx Digital Humanities.” Latina/o Studies Association Bienniel Conference 2018. Washington, DC. July 2018.

  • “Reanimating New York City’s Nineteenth-Century Latinx Press through Geospatial Visualization.” Presenter on panel entitled “City-Text-Map.” Mapping the Text 2018. NYU. New York, NY. April 2018.

  • "Roundtable on Radical Literature and the Political Horizons of C19." Biennial Conference of C19: The Society of Nineteenth-Century Americanists. University of New Mexico in Albuquerque. March 2018.

  • "Reimagining America: Mediating Change in Late Nineteenth-Century Latina/o New York." Presenter on "Latina/o New York" panel. 2018 MLA Annual Convention. New York, NY. January 2018.

  • “Reimagining America in New York City’s Late Nineteenth-Century Latina/o Press.” Presenter on panel at Transatlantic New York conference. City College of New York (CUNY) and Instituto Cervantes. New York, NY. May 2017.

  • “American Alternatives: Experimental Literatures of the Spanish-Language Press in Nineteenth-Century New York City.” Presenter on panel entitled “Places to Experiment on the Ground and in the Text.” 2017 Annual Conference of The Society for the Study of Multi-Ethnic Literature in the United States (MELUS). MIT. Cambridge, MA. April 2017.

  • “Literary Futures: Nicanor Bolet Peraza and the Spanish-Language Press in Nineteenth-Century New York City.” Presenter in special session on “Periodicals, Editorship, Race and Ethnicity.” 2017 MLA Annual Convention. Philadelphia, PA. January 2017.

  • “Old New Media and Latin American Cultural Innovation.” Panel organizer and chair. Latin American Studies Association (LASA) Annual Congress. New York, NY. May 2016.

  • “Mediating Change in Late Nineteenth-Century Latina/o New York.” Speaker in seminar entitled “Latina/o Lives in the Hemispheric Century.” Biennial conference of C19: The Society of Nineteenth-Century Americanists. Penn State University. March 2016.

  • “Reimagining America: The Revolutionary Literary Community of New York City’s Spanish-Language Periodicals in the 1880s and 1890s.” Presenter on panel. Biennial conference of C19: The Society of Nineteenth-Century Americanists. Penn State University. March 2016.

  • “Literature and Media Change: A Roundtable on Historical Perspectives from Europe and the Americas.” Organizer and roundtable presenter. 2016 MLA Annual Convention. Austin, TX. January 2016.

  • “Mediating Change in the Crónica Modernista.” Presenter on panel on “Comparative Media Studies in Latin America.” 2015 MLA Annual Convention. Vancouver, Canada. January 2015.

  • “American Alternatives: Mediating Change in Latina/o Print Culture.” Presenter on panel entitled “The Role of Print Culture in Social Change and Community Formation.” 2014 Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Literary Heritage Project Conference. Syracuse University. October 2014.

  • “Revolutionary News: The Local Infrastructures and Hemispheric Alternatives of the Latin American Crónica Modernista.” Presenter on “Infrastructure and Fiction” panel. 2014 International Narrative Conference. MIT. Cambridge, MA. March 2014.

  • “Comparative Literature in a Digital Age.” Seminar organizer. Annual Meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association. New York University. New York, NY. March 2014.

  • “The Modern City and the Hemispheric Dimensions of Nineteenth-Century Media Change.” Speaker in seminar on “The Hemispheric South and the (Un)Common Ground of Comparability.” Biennial conference of C19: The Society of Nineteenth-Century Americanists. Chapel Hill, NC. March 2014.

  • “From Scroll to Screen in the News: The Public and Private Imaginaries of the Spanish-Cuban-American War.” Presenter on panel. Media in Transition 8. MIT. Cambridge, MA. May 2013.

  • “Fictions?” Moderator of panel on electronic literature. Media in Transition 8. MIT. Cambridge, MA, May 2013.

Producer/Media Advisor, Public News Service, 2005
Worked with nonprofits in Massachusetts, New York, Nevada, and North Dakota to write and produce news stories on public-interest issues for radio stations throughout those states; served as an advisor on messaging and the development of effective news stories.
Intern Reporter, WRNI Radio, 2002
Conducted interviews and wrote copy for the local edition of “All Things Considered” at WRNI Radio, an NPR affiliate station in Providence, Rhode Island.
Reporter, KPFA Radio, 2001-2002
Reported on local politics in the San Francisco Bay Area for KPFA’s evening news.
Senior Writer,, 2000-2002
Produced news and reports in a variety of web formats for the site’s audience of business leaders committed to environmental responsibility and economic success.

Member of C19: The Society of Nineteenth-Century Americanists

Member of MELUS: The Society for the Study of Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States

Member of the Latina/o Studies Association

Member of the Modern Language Association

Member of the Latin American Studies Association

Member of the American Comparative Literature Association


Member, Advisory Board, “WhatEvery1Says” Mellon-Funded project led by Alan Liu, UC Santa Barbara, 2017-present

Member, Steering Committee, NYCDH, 2017-present

Member, Academic Resources Committee, Pace University, 2016-present
Member, working group developing Critical Race and Ethnicity Studies minor, 2015-present
Chair, Curriculum Committee, Pace University Department of English, 2015-present
Member, Curriculum Committee, Pace University Department of English, 2014-2015
Co-organizer of Journalism and Digital Studies minor, Pace University Departments of English and Communication Studies, 2014-present

Spanish: fluent
French: fluent